1- Fork the repository
. Go to the repository you want to contribute to and click on the "Fork" button in the top right corner. This will create a copy of the repository under your GitHub account.
2- Clone the Forked repository
. Go to your forked repository, click on the "Code" button, and copy the URL.
. Open your terminal and run:
- git clone [ REPOSITORY_URL]
3- Create a new branch
- git checkout -b [ BRANCH_NAME ]
4- Make changes and commit
. Make your desired changes to the code in your local repository
. Once you are done, stage the changes and commit them
- git add .
- git commit -m [ YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE HERE ]
5- Push changes to your Fork
- git push origin [ BRANCH_NAME ]
6- Create a Pull Request (PR)
. Go to your forked repository on GitHub
. GitHub will recognize that you've pushed a new branch and will present a "Compare & pull request" button.
. Click on the button, review your changes, and submit the pull request
7- Describe and submit the Pull Request (PR)
. Give your pull request a title and a detailed description.
. Click on the "Create pull request" button.
8- Discuss and iterate
. If the maintainers of the original repository request changes, make the necessary updates in your branch and push the changes. The pull request will be automatically updated.
. Keep the conversation going in the pull request thread