How to create a user in the server

Create a user
Written by DEL support01
Updated 10 months ago

To create a user on the server follow those instructions:

1- login to the terminal

2- run the sudo useradd command + the name of the user you want to create

Example: sudo useradd s5derick

3- set a password for the new user with the sudo passwd command

Example: sudo password s5derick

This will create a user name s5derick with his password

4- You can also modify some informations of your user with the sudo usermod -c informations you want to add + username. Notice that this is "optional'

Example: sudo usermod kana s5derick

kana here is the user's full name

5- To check if your user has been created you can use one of the following commands

  cat /etc/passwd

  id s5derick

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