To grant permissions to a user you can follow those steps:
1- Changing File Permissions (chmod):
- You can grant permissions to a user by changing the file permissions using the chmod command.
- The chmod command uses a three-digit octal number to represent the permissions for Owner, Group, and Others. To grant specific permissions to a user, you can use commands like:
* chmod u+r file.txt - Grants read permission to the owner of the file
* chmod u+w file.txt - Grants write permission to the owner of the file
* chmod u+x file.txt - Grants execute permission to the owner of the file
'u' here represent the username or the owner of the file.txt
Example: chmod s5derick rwx
this command will give the read write and execute permission to the s5derick user in file.txt
2- Changing File Ownership (chown):
You can change the owner of a file using the chown command. Only the root user or a user with appropriate permissions can change the ownership of a file.
Example: sudo chown new_owner: new_group file.txt
sudo chown derick:devops file.txt
Changes the owner of the file to new_owner and the group to new_group.
3- Changing File Group Ownership (chgrp)
You can change the group ownership of a file using the chgrp command.
Example: sudo chgrp new_group file.txt
sudo chgrp devops file.txt
Changes the group of the file to new_group.
Remember that managing permissions on Linux is based on the princip