Written by DEL support01
Updated 11 months ago
- If the Host key is changed follow just type the below commands
1. Server1: ssh-keygen -R server1.anomicatech.com and you hit enter. After then, you login back to the server by the command ssh [prefered name]@server1.anomicatech.com
Example: ssh s5tia@server1.anomicatech.com
2. Server2: ssh-keygen -R server2.anomicatech.com and you hit enter. After then, you login back to the server by the command ssh [prefered name]@server2.anomicatech.com
Example: ssh s5tia@server2.anomicatech.com
3. ssh-keygen -R server3.anomicatech.com and you hit enter. After then, you login back to the server by the command ssh [prefered name]@server3.anomicatech.com
Example: ssh s5tia@server3.anomicatech.com